
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2013 Beth Moore Living Proof Live Simulcast

Living Proof Live Simulcast with Beth Moore

East Side Baptist Church
718 East 9th Street, Mountain Home

September 14, 2013

Doors Open at 7:45 AM
Simulcast Hours are 8:30 AM till 3:15 PM

Ticket Cost:  $25 (includes lunch & snack)

Tickets may be bought at
East Side Baptist Church (870-425-3689)

Sponsored by:  ESBC Women’s Ministry

You're invited to be part of this global, one-day simulcast that will inspire your women to dig deep into God's Word. Join Beth Moore, Travis Cottrell, and 250,000 women around the world for this live internet streaming event.  Beth follows the leading of the Holy Spirit to prepare a specific message for each of her events, and the simulcast is no exception. Don't let the women of your church miss this special event! 

A great kick-off for your fall small group Bible study season! Encourage the women of your church to get together for a Saturday of worship and anointed Bible teaching with Beth that will refresh and recharge them spiritually.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I'm In! Are You In?

I’M IN!  R U N?  *

Ladies Missions Event

September 30, 2013
6:00 — 8:00 PM

Location:  East Side Baptist Church
718 East 9th Street
Mountain Home, AR

Includes meal, music, special speakers, child care
Please call 870-453-2575 to reserve your meal and/or child care
We need your reservation by September 16

* For the 30 and older, “R U N  ?” means “Are You In?”